
Unlocking True Potential: Understanding arch-types and personality traits

People are highly dynamic, and understanding your own and others' unique strengths and styles is paramount to creating high-performance teams.

In the space of self and personality-discovery tools, there's a multitude of options, but one platform stands out - PrinciplesYou.com. Surprisingly, it's available at no cost. Founded by Ray Dalio (I highly recommend his books), this platform is built upon a foundational model employed to evaluate employees at Bridgewater Consulting, the world's most successful financial investment company. Behind PrinciplesYou's assessment model lies a team of brilliant minds, including workplace psychologists like Adam Grant.

After signing up and taking the test, the assessment results in a comprehensive report (click here to see my assessment output), with 2-3 arch type personalities assigned and rich with invaluable insights. Personally, I always find the reports enlightening, introspective and eye-opening.

On my test, when expanding on how I am autonomous, what stand out is, while I excel in being self-accountable, being internally motivated is not my strongest suit.

What ways have I used PrinciplesYou?

Throughout the last 5 years of professional journey, I've utilized PrinciplesYou a handful of times, and I've yet to try and apply where it hasn't been incredible helpful. So far, it has served me well when:

  • Establishing a foundational understanding of new teams or reports.
  • Initiating meaningful conversations during one-on-one sessions, aiding individuals in maximizing their potential.
  • Kick-starting Career Development Conversations and Plans.
  • Resolving interpersonal dynamics or empathy challenges within teams.

You can add friends and compare how you might be similar or not

Getting Started with PrinciplesYou

The process for anyone taking the assessment largely mirrors that of other personality assessments:

  1. Sign up to begin the test.
  2. Respond to a series of prompts, investing approximately 30 minutes.
  3. Receive an Archetype Overview & Detailed Trait Report, packed with insights.
  4. Set up sharing permissions on the output, providing direct access via a shareable link.

A very important note

Using this assessment as a force for good necessitates both vulnerability and trust. When delving into someone's inner self, it's imperative to approach with the utmost respect & integrity. Always please, please and please use a tool like this for good: aiding in personal growth, helping individuals better understand and leverage their strengths.

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