
Herald - Multiply your time using system agent software

Your smart, wise-cracking robot sidekick which give you back time by taking over your boring work.

Herald is an extension of you, taking care of the digitally repeatable boring, slow, tedious work, freeing up your time.

If something is teachable, it’s automatable.

Herald is your more than your personal assistant. Herald looks over your shoulder, learns through observation and make your output better with every action you take together.  Beyond running in a contained, privacy-first environment, Herald can teach you new skills, tools, methodologies and take care of trivial tasks.

Examples of your multiplying sidekick might be able to do

The ideas are plenty, but three interesting concepts might be…

Monitor inbound signal(s) 

For instance Email inbox, Slack etc. for actionable input. When an actionable input input is detected, proceed to take a semi-automated action such as 

  • Generate draft responses for Preview & Refinement (learning opportunity) → Submit Action and monitor
  • If no actionable input →  Summarization for easy consumption or take other pre-programmed preferred action, e.g. queue for unsubscribtion (newsletters)

Finish the boring work of creating slides

For instance, collect data from websites/services, create a slide deck based on a user-defined template and prepare speaking notes on data that looks out of the ordinary. 

Not just do, but show

With generative AI and prompt-based input the common behavior is ask: 

  1. Computer can you please do 
  2. Computer goes out and does based on the learnings of the internet 
  3. Everyone’s happy, but not wiser.
  4. Herald can explain and show you procedurally how something works to help build foundational mental models making you a smarter, better thinker. 

This is of course all hypothetical, but this is something I’ve repeatedly wished for to take care of the work I find tedious or otherwise not rewarding, but necessary to function in life.
And after all, who has not been inspired by Iron Man’s Jarvis or Max the System Agent Software in Ready Player one. 

© 2023 Deani Bille Hansen
All rights reserved