
Bringing stories to life with Progressive Storyboard Animation

Going from storyboard to animation in minutes

Last night, I had a dream that inspired an incredible app concept, one that could democratize animation for everyone, regardless of their artistic or technical background. Imagine being able to turn your storyboards into full-blown animations in a matter of minutes, all with just a few clicks or taps on your preferred device. 

From Storyboard to Animation

We can, with relative ease, describe our thoughts and visual ideas, but without the necessary skills it can be next to impossible to bring it to life.

What I dreamt last night was a tool for building completely animated scenes from simple storyboards & iteration.
The scene I was imagining was “a western, red-rock backcountry, a bustling cargo train, and a playful litter of puppies eager for adventure. One by one the litter leaps onto the train. As the last litter onboards, the train scoots off into the horizon.

Customization at Your Fingertips

The magic of the tool was simple iteration yet powerful customization, allowing users to tweak various elements like train styles, puppy breeds, motion patterns, and even the background scenery without the need for technical know-how. Simply saying the pups should be more fluffy and golden retriever like, and the sky should be like a slightly cloudy yet vibrant sunset. 

Infinite Iterations, Zero Hassle

The interface is simple, fun without the complexities of animation jargon or techniques. Disregarding the cost of computation and visualization, this would democratize animation, storytelling and enable anyone with a creative idea to bring it to life without the barriers of technical expertise.

Unlocking Creative Potential

Whether you're a budding storyteller, a teacher looking to engage students, or a business owner seeking dynamic visuals, this app realizes creative potential.

One day I hope to say “Stay tuned for updates on this exciting project”. For now it's just a dream. 

© 2023 Deani Bille Hansen
All rights reserved